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2022 Co-operating with the Divine

Writer's picture: Christina RitchieChristina Ritchie

2022 Co-operating with the Divine

I wonder how many people will actually "get it", but I'm guessing a lot, because as we can see in 2021 we have had a lot of people waking up to what it means to live a conscious life and many choosing to consciously "rise" in consciousness and frequency beyond diseased minds and bodies. We will definitely see more of that in 2022 with all the 2's powering us forward.

2022 promises to be a year of co-operating with each other. A year for daring the deeds you never dared until now! A year of love and awakening! (more of!) A year of facing the fears and doing it anyway! A year for the courageous and building great partnerships! It's a year to find the greatest relationship of all! It's a year to find harmony through the chaos! It's the year of Sirius! More about that later. But most importantly 2022 calls to us to co-operate with the Divine. It's a year to step up into that role of designing your life and your future and what you want for humanity. It's a master year and it will call for master challenges, so don't expect it to be cruisy, but hey, I think the last two years have taught us to be prepared for bigger things to come. 2020 also had hidden 22 vibes pushing us forward, and 2022 is the 22nd year of this 21st century; a century that offers us the world, literally! The world is ours to create and we need to think consciously as to what we are creating with every thought word and deed! 22 is the master builder, in fact 22 is the architect too. There are said to be 22 steps to the God-force that we all have to take in order to enter into our mastery. They are initiations that were practiced in the temples of On back in ancient Egypt. The represent going beyond the present incarnation. It's about having come fully circle and now we are to let go of attachment to the material world and use what we have learned about the material world with reverence and respect. It's not about having stuff, we have gone beyond that. Now it is about understanding how to attain oneness with the God and the Goddess. It is about mastering the masculine and feminine sides of ourselves and then attaining perfect alchemy as we dance into union as the unified Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine. 2022 is a masterful year! Take up the challenge and dare to do all that you have always wanted to do. 2022 sets out all the perfect lessons and pathways for us to take to attain greater mastery over our lower selves! It's a 6 year, meaning it is about attaining the sacred marriage and waves of ascension will be a constant more than ever before! Wow to the World, we are attaining Heaven on Earth.

When Heaven and Nature Sing

That reminds me. Yesterday on 30.12.2021 I awoke in the morning with the words to a song, "when Heaven and nature sing". That is the year we are moving into; a year when we move into harmony with the Heavens and so we will indeed create harmonies all through the cosmos. With those words came a vision of the Eye of God in a deep indigo sky filled with stars. This is the perfect vision for us to remember that 2022 offers us an opportunity to co-operate with the divine.

So, what did 2021 teach you? Have you reviewed your year yet? Are you ready to look 2022 in the Eye and welcome all it has to offer. Keep conscious awareness around all that you do. Meet the challenges with awareness, shine the light on them and allow them to become enlightened so you can release more of the darkness and all that holds you back. Give gratitude for all the challenges, lessons and struggles that have met with you as your teacher and review them. Can you see them for what they were and how did you handle them. If you didn't handle them so well, remind yourself to be more conscious in 2022. That is the world we are moving into a year of love, awakening, and creating the future we want to live in. It is the doorway to Freedom and Liberation! 22 is Liberation! Let's welcome it and play our part.

This is not the year to sit back and be complacent, this is the year that you will be tested by your mastery! Will you welcome it?

Why not give yourself a great power up with the LUXOR Light Ascension Program and welcome the higher frequencies to anchor your own unique frequency of the full union you!

Light Codes galore! Goodbye 2021, what a year you have been! Thank you for all the lessons and the learning, thank you for all the gifts and awakenings, I am forever Grateful and now let's move forward! Join directly with me for a month of Light Codes.

Click on the link receive direct to your inbox, or if you prefer you can even join with me live! Happy New Year!


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LUXOR Light is a Divine Energy birthed through ChristinA Ritchie 3.3.2004


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