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Codes of Thoth

Writer's picture: Christina RitchieChristina Ritchie

Updated: Apr 25, 2023

Thoth Temple West Bank Luxor
Amun Ra and Thoth

The Codes of Thoth

The latest news I want to share. As many of you know, I have been very busy with the Temple Codes of Egypt as the temples are being reactivated and many people are now ready to walk their purpose as code carriers and need their codes activated. That's where my soul purpose comes in.

Since August, I have been almost daily working with the Temple Codes. A group of 8 to 10 people taking their part in bringing these Codes to the world.

I had a feeling the temples were calling me to this work and then I would leave Egypt. That my dear friends is what is happening. After 16 years of mission in Egypt, I will be gone by the end of November / early December. I am giving up all my worldly belongings once again to walk my purpose, this time in India for a while. I have no idea if this is a permanent move from Egypt or not, but I'm leaving the old behind me.

How did this come about?

The Temple Codes work has been extremely powerful and each temple has "called" certain people into their role and a mission to a particular temple has taken place. These missions have taken different time frames of so far up to 10 days to complete.

It all began with a calling from St Paul of Thebes, the first Hermit. St Paul came into my visions and then into my body blasting open my heart to be sure I would not miss my "Calling". This is something that happens to me from time to time as different Saints and Master call me to Mission to embody certain energies, Keys and Codes to pass on to those who are ready. That mission to St Paul's activated the first request for sacred site work to begin again.

The first temple was the little Isis Temple in Luxor. Such a beautiful loving energy exudes from there; Mother of us all. From there we were called to Hathor Temple, Temple of Love. From there we went to Queen Hatshepsut temple and then the Temple of the Sacred Marriage in Edfu at the Temple of Horus. This led is to the Temple of Amun in Siwa and then the Temple of Thoth near Malqatta. This is where things really started to heat up. On 10.10 ten people took part in the reactivation of Thoth Temple. From here we were guided into the first 10 Emerald Tablets and that was over ten days. It was immense. It was during the transmissions corresponding with the Emerald tablets that I was called to the Blue Medicine Buddha at Budh Gaya in India. The message clearly showed the "soul direction" as the Blue Medicine Buddha and the "soul path" to be anchored is the essence of golden yogi/buddha. This was a clear call and my life is rapidly being wound up for me in Egypt.

The next temple was the temple of Khnum at Esna and this one we began with the visit on 22 October which was a 56/11 day. 56/11 is the sacred destiny of LUXOR Light and Ametron Truth. Here we were drawn into Unity and that path is still unfolding. The temple Codes of Khnum were yesterday and today we continue with the Emerald Tablets and Tablet 11 As above, so below. We have several days to complete this program and then I will take a little break I feel until 11/11 when I will do the Temple of Luxor. Anyone who feels to take part in the Ascension Codes on the Path to Sirius" - Luxor Temple, please contact me.

It's $155AUD per person.

There is one other temple that may be calling, but I'm not sure yet, but she has been active in my healing work and transmissions for the last two days. That is Sekhmet. Yet to be confirmed.

My feeling is I will be in Budh Gaya by 12.12 at the great Temple of Awakening. Budh Gaya is where the Buddha sat under the Bodhi Tree and became enlightened. This is a very sacred place and I will be offering opportunity there also.

I did not get a chance to advertise these opportunities because I can only do so many and they were snapped up before they could go public. This was the mission of those involved. I am eternally grateful, because now they are available to all Code Carriers who are ready to take up their flames.

The path of the Temples continue and my journey takes me outside Egypt.

All temple codes tranissions are now available for $55 except Thoth Temple and Khnum. Thoth and the Emerald Tablet program is $222AUD / $144USD for the ten transmissions.

Powerful beyond measure!

Please remember to write which codes you want in the space provided.

Khmum yet to come

LUXOR Temple is calling Code Carriers of the flame to take part $155AUD / $101USD. Please contact me for any of the above transmissions.

The following Temple Codes are available

  1. Temple of Isis, West Bank Luxor $55

  2. Temple of Hathor, Goddess of Love at Dendera $55

  3. Temple of Queen Hatshepsut, West Bank Luxor $55

  4. Temple of Horus, the Temple of the Sacred Marriage at Edfu $55

  5. Temple of Thoth, West Bank Luxor $222 program of 10 transmissions

  6. Temple of Khnum, Esna - being brought forth now

  7. Temple of Luxor, the Ascension Temple, 11.11 are $155AUD / $101USD

For bank transfers please contact me @

Thoth in the little Thoth Temple in Luxor
Ancient Egyptian God Thoth

Emerald Tablets of Thoth

While called to the temple of Thoth, I was guided to bring forth 10 Light Codes transmissions over a period of 10 days beginning on 10.10. These Light Codes correspond to the first 10 Emerald Tablets and are very powerful. These are available for $222AUD and are a 10 day course that must be worked with the energy of 10.

Following on from the Temple of Thoth was the Temple of Esna and the Ancient Egyptian god Khnum. This temple has recently been restored, or rather is being restored. It has come to life in such a beautiful way. The colours are magnificent, but that is not all that has come to life. The temple itself is very powerfully emitting a magnificent energy of stillness, Grace and Creation. This temple visit was on 22.10.2022, a day which became an 11 vibration. The first Light Codes available for this temple are the Temple Codes of Khnum and there will be a further 5 transmissions that correspond to the final 5 Emerald Tables of Thoth.

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LUXOR Light Ascension

West Bank Luxor,


Phone: Egypt +201228559686 and WhatsApp:  +61430026133

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LUXOR Light is a Divine Energy birthed through ChristinA Ritchie 3.3.2004


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