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Colour Therapy for Spiritual Awakening

Writer's picture: Christina RitchieChristina Ritchie

For many years, I have been sharing a colour a day from an old blog site of mine. I've had many blog sites, websites and so forth, but I've finally come to the long learned lesson, that I should put everything in one place. I don't know if I can still do the sign up for receiving a colour a day to your inbox, I'm still figuring that out, but that site is called Colour Therapy for Spiritual Awakening.

Many moons ago, and I mean many moons, way back in the 90's I started studying colour therapy and then in the year 2000 I started my own Colour Therapy School, affiliated with the International School of Colour in the UK. I used to teach a 2 year diploma course in colour therapy, covering everything from colour psychology, to colour therapuetics, to ascended Masters, Angels, aromatherapy, healing with coloured silks, chromatherapy, crystal therapy, numerology and colour, and the list goes on, because colour is in everything and there is nothing that colour does not touch.

I began with the business name of Lizard Visions School of Colour. You might think that is a strange name, but let me tell you how I came about it.

I had a New Age Shop selling books and crystals and many other spiritual tools and gifts. That shop was called Tree Frog Books and Crystals. That name was an inspiration that came to me one day when I was thinking "what will I call my shop?" I asked the question and because I was aligned with my Higher Self, my Higher Self answered by dropping a name into my mind. I remembered a tender memory of all the beautiful frogs I had encountered on my travels in the Kimberleys, Northern Territory and Queensland when my husband and I travelled around Australia with our children.

Tree frogs are ancient creatures that are often thought to be symbols of good luck and I'm quite big in following signs and symbols. When the vision popped into my mind, I had a flash back of waking up one night in Darwin, in the Northern Territory with this wet feeling on my inner upper thigh. I was a little uneasy, but I put my hand on my thigh and it scared the living daylights out of me as it jumped away. Funnily enough, I love that memory because that trip was a turning point in my life.

Frogs a symbol of Transformation

Frogs begin their life as a tadpole and go through an amazing process of transformation before they become a frog. I wanted my shop to be a place that would initiate spiritual transformation for those who came by. The tree frog is a powerful reminder of the incredible spiritual and physical transformations that we have made throughout our many lifetimes. I wanted a business that was lucky and transformational, so Tree Frog Books and Crystals became my shop name.

Lizard Visions

So, now when I sold that business, I needed a new business name to lead me into my new venture. At this stage I didn't have a new business, but I chose a name anyway. When I sold my shop I began a 2 year colour therapy diploma. I had already chosen Lizard Visions to be my new business name. Why Lizard Visions?

I sat with my trusty pendulum and wandered around my house asking for a name. My pendulum began to swing when I came near my bookshelf. I went through my books until my pendulum signaled the appropriate book. I used to have a set of cards called "Animal Medicine" and it had a book that went with it. The Authors are Jamie Sams and David Carson. I flicked through the book while holding my pendulum and it went wild at the lizard. I was not sure I wanted to be a lizard, but when I read up on the lizard adn it said that the lizard is a survivor since the dawn of time, that lays in the sun and dreams his visions into reality, I was sold and Lizard Visions became my business name.

Ascended Masters

Once I finished my diploma in colour and decided that I wanted to open my own colour therapy school, I simply transitioned with Lizard Visions School of Colour. I used that name for another couple of years until one day everyone was talking reptilian and I started to feel I wanted to change my name, because I didn't want to attract reptilians lol. It was simply time for change because my work was moving rapidly into ascension work and I needed to have a name that supported the higher transformations my work was undertaking. Lizard Visions no longer matched the frequencies of my work. I wanted to acknowledge the ascended masters in my work, but I also wanted something acknowledging the wonderful power of colour. I came up with "Clearly Colour Conscious". I was working with numerology a lot by this stage, and the letter C resonates to the number 3. Clearly Colour Conscious was a triple three vibration with 333 or CCC. 333 is the number equated to the Ascended Masters and the numerology for the destiny became a 98/8 which brought a wealth of abundance and wisdom with it. Good choice!

If you are not familiar with what an ascended master is, I will write more on that latr, but meanwhile, check out the photo above and you will begin to get an idea.

You know what happened next after I brought the Ascended Master vibration into my work?

It catapulted me into a higher frequency, that steered me toward my life purpose and in due course, LUXOR Light was birthed. By the way 333 is also Christ Consciousness and that is exactly where my life purpose was leading me, step by step into awakening others into embodying their Christed Self. You can read about the journey of awakening in my book "Birthing a New Reality".

So, in short, I have always followed step by step the signs that have been shown to me along the way and always followed those signs. Every time I am rewarded with a new spiritual gift and that is my commitment to fulfilling my souls purpose; I want to help as many people as I can to commit to their Self and open to their fullness. I hope you follow along with me and I hope I can help you to find greater fulfilment on your journey.

So the purpose of this blog, is to introduce my system of working with colour and numbers. Pythagoras said something to the effect of colour, numbers and sound are the keys to the Universe. Maybe not those words exactly but he pointed in the direction they they enable us to become enlightened and all we need to do is learn how to use them.

In my next blog I'm going to follow my divine guidance in how I shall transfer my daily colour wisdoms to you on this site.

See you soon!

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LUXOR Light is a Divine Energy birthed through ChristinA Ritchie 3.3.2004


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