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The Ka Body and Nemes Divine Union

Writer: Christina RitchieChristina Ritchie
moon and sun
Union of Solar and Luna

The Journey of Divine Union of the Ka and Nemes

We seem to be in a time when ancient wisdom is coming to us to guide us along our ascension journey, in such a way that has never been so prominent before. Every week during the Light Codes transmissions the wisdom of the ancients is becoming more and more profound. Let's look at todays sharing...

Journey of Balance and Creation

Today, during my weekly light codes transmission, we received some very profound teachings. When I was in the Alpha Chakra, I saw the sphinx, symbolising the Akashic Records or us coming into our full potential and activating that.  I also saw a masculine and feminine standing either side of what looked like a potter’s wheel and in the middle the creation of the laurel wreath, symbolising creating the essence of peace. These visions show us where we are at and what our purpose or direction is right now at this time, or if you are reading this at a later date, then you are ready for this degree in your Now moment.

In the Omega chakra, I saw an ancient Egyptian bee sitting on a plant/stick/branch.  In ancient Egypt, the bee symbolised royalty and power, representing the king of Lower Egypt. The bee, paired with the sedge plant which symbolised Upper Egypt was part of the pharaoh's title, "He of the Sedge and the Bee," meaning the unity of the two lands under the ruler's authority.  This symbolically suggests attaining union over lower and higher selves. Being in Omega, this means that is the path we are on right now and , coupled together, the Alpha and Omega on their journey of alignment of stepping into our divine potential and bringing balance to opposites within ourselves (masculine and feminine, lower and higher selves) our process is one of creation, direction, and ultimately peace, symbolised by the laurel wreath. The bee reminds us that this path requires persistence, courage, and harmony, and the goal is to unite all aspects of our being to fulfill our purpose.

The Etheric Bridge to Divine Energy

This was a healing journey and in the etheric body, I saw the Pharaohs Nemes head piece and a constant mention of the Mer Ka Ba throughout the teaching, and we being told to ground.  The Nemes is a symbol of the pharaoh's sacred responsibility to bridge the earthly and divine realms. 

In ancient Egyptian spirituality, the Ka represents the vital life force or spiritual essence of an individual. It exists within the etheric body, which bridges the physical and the spiritual realms, sustaining life and connecting us to divine energy. The Mer Ka Ba, on the other hand, is a sacred geometric construct known as a light-body vehicle for ascension, transformation, and access to higher realms of consciousness.

The Nemes, is a symbol of the pharaoh’s sacred responsibility to unite the earthly and divine, complementing the purpose of the Ka. The Nemes can suggest channeling higher wisdom and embodying divine purpose while being grounded in the physical world very much like the Mer Ka Ba's energy that balances spiritual ascension with earthly presence.

The message reminds us to recognise the (etheric/life force) Ka as the essence of life and the connection to the divine.  It is the most important layer of the Aura and without it, we are ungrounded and not able to hold the higher frequencies.

The constant mantra of tae, tae, tae is a mantra to help us ground and reminds us that the spiritual journey is not just about transcending but also about embodying. To bring harmony, purpose, and direction into our lives, we must balance our connection to higher realms (the Mer Ka Ba) with our grounded existence (the physical realm), just as the pharaoh balanced their divine and earthly responsibilities.

We are reminded through the transmission to honour the etheric body as a bridge for healing and awakening. It’s about stepping into a role of sacred co-creation, like the pharaoh’s role symbolised by the Nemes, to align with truth, purpose, and peace.

The Nemes and the Mer Ka Ba - Tools of Alignment and Harmony

The Mer Ka Ba represents a spiritual vehicle that facilitates higher states of consciousness, balance, and transformation uniting the Ka (life force or etheric body) and the Ba (soul or spiritual essence), allowing them to work harmoniously to achieve enlightenment and connection to the divine.

The Nemes could even symbolise the Ba because it symbolises a point of connection between the physical self and higher, or divine consciousness.  This is the role of the Ba as it travels between the earthly realm and the afterlife.  The Ba is associated with the sun god Ra and his divine protection that reflects the Ba's role as a spiritual emissary, carrying the essence of the individual into higher spiritual planes.  Both the Nemes and the Ba symbolise the pharaohs or our duty and potential to embody divine purpose while grounded in this earthly experience.  So, the Ba can be seen as the part of us that integrates spiritual wisdom into our physical lives, the same as the Mer Ka Ba facilitates the harmonious alignment of the Ka (life force) and Ba. It feels like the Nemes is reminding us of the sacred responsibility we all hold to connect, express, and live in balance with our spiritual essence.

So, the teaching that came with the etheric today, shows us the significance of the etheric body that we can also call the Ka body.  It can be roughly translated as a journey, of integrating all aspects of being, spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical. And we are reminded not to forget our etheric body also sometimes called the health body.  Afterall the etheric or the Ka body, houses our physical temple which must carry us through this physical journey of ascension.

The Chakras - A Visionary Pathway

In the sacral today, I saw the pharaoh with a beautiful bright yellow aura emanating from him.  This shows his confidence, personal power, and strong intellect, qualities that resonate with both the solar energy of the pharaoh and the transformational energy of the sacral chakra. We have grounding, divine connection, and creation urging us to tap into our inner authority and step up into a space of creative leadership.

The mantra that was coming through in the sacral was “Ra Ha Ma Tae”.  This can be used as a short cut activation into grounding the Solar and Earth aspects of self.

In the Solar plexus I saw the hieroglyph of the oil bowl symbolising the importance of maintaining spiritual and physical cleanliness, as well as the connection between the earthly and divine realms through sacred offerings. It came with the mantra “Ra ha Tae”, meaning to ground that great light, but to do that you need to be purified.  Ground the purest of light.

In the heart chakra the mantra “Oo Ra ha tae Ma” again acknowledging the unification of the solar and the moon god/goddess frequencies that take place within the heart space. 

In the Throat I saw Pallas Athena, goddess of Truth and after her was a rose.  Speak your truth with a quality of love.  The wisdom of the rose.

In the brow chakra, I saw the solar disk with the moon below it. In ancient Egyptian symbolism this represents the balance and harmony between the sun and the moon, reflecting the duality of cosmic forces. The solar disk is associated with the sun god Ra, symbolising life, power, creation, and divine authority. The moon, on the other hand, is linked to gods like Thoth or Khonsu, representing wisdom, cycles, and renewal. It means the interconnectedness of opposites like day and night, light and dark, creation and reflection. It emphasises the importance of balance in maintaining Ma'at, the universal order. It could also suggest the unity of celestial forces working together to sustain life and cosmic harmony.

The final vision was in the crown chakra, and I saw the Pharaoh again and the emphasis was on his beard.  The pharaoh’s beard was like a braided goatee and symbolises the divine kingship and the pharaoh's connection to the gods, particularly Osiris, the god of the afterlife. By wearing this ceremonial beard, pharaohs showed their authority and their role as intermediaries between the divine and the earthly realms.  It’s a symbol of his ability to bring through the truth because he is aligned with Ma’at which is the concept of truth, balance, order, and cosmic harmony and Pharaohs were seen as the earthly embodiment of divine order, and their role often involved upholding justice and truth within their realm.

A Call to Embody and Ground your Divine Potential

The transmission ultimately calls us to integrate all aspects of being - spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical. The Ka body, or etheric body, serves as a vessel for this divine union, housing the physical temple through the journey of ascension. By grounding through mantras like “Ra Ha Tae”, we anchor light into the physical realm, bringing harmony and balance to our lives.

The final teaching reminds us that we are not the Pharaoh, we are embodying their qualities of confidence, truth, and divine purpose, through preparation and purification. It is a sacred journey, one of co-creation, alignment, and ultimate harmony with the divine.

You can Claim your Light Codes Activation for Divine Union of the Solar and the Lunar, the Physical and the Divine, and begin your journey into your full potential here....



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LUXOR Light is a Divine Energy birthed through ChristinA Ritchie 3.3.2004


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