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  • Writer's pictureChristina Ritchie

Light Codes Video Messages

Every Monday, I bring through a Light Codes Transmissions for ascension.

During each transmission, I am given a set of visions and messages for the ascension of the collective consciousness. Because I haven't had time to do full blogs each week, I have decided to post the videos all on one page here so you can visit whichever one or collection of messages is right for you. Underneath each video I will give the direct link to the Shop to purchase the Activation Light Codes.

The Activation Light Codes are very powerful activators and healers. They bring ascension healing for the individual and are very powerful tools for Twin Flame healing assisting rifts between the souls to be healed and to bring union of Twin Flames into being. Many Twin Flames that work with me connect with their twin flames even if they have not met them before. All is relevant to our individual healing journey.

If you are interested in amplifying your consciousness for the Twin Flame journey, please consider purchasing the LUXOR Light Ascension Program which is very powerful for Twin Flames. You can do this in your own time or you can do this one on one with me.

Now for the individual ascension journey. The LUXOR Light Ascension program amplifies you to very higher levels of consciousness. You get to witness your own spiritual progress if you check in with me regularly. I am always available to connect and help you understand your journey. One on one work is also very power opportunity because the program is tailored specifically for you.

Come back often, I will be updating all the time!

169 Purification Flame of Ascension

168 Twin Flames Activating Union

167 Activating the Bridge of Compassion


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LUXOR Light Ascension

West Bank Luxor,


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LUXOR Light is a Divine Energy birthed through ChristinA Ritchie 3.3.2004


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