What is the difference between the Gatekeeper and the Doorkeeper, or is there any difference, and what are they? I'm sure you've heard the term Gatekeeper before and understand it has to do with one who guards the gate to higher dimensions and allows another to enter into spiritual realms. I didn't know there was a difference, but as I began to write, my intuitive guidance opened a door for me to understand there is indeed a difference between the Gatekeeper and the Doorkeeper. Let's take a look at that....
The Doorkeeper

In the times of the ancients, a doorkeeper was a guardian and protector to a sacred space such as a temple or a place that only priests and Holy people were allowed to enter. They were sometimes called "Keepers of the Threshold". They were a sacred order that guarded the gates of the house of God. The role of the Doorkeeper was to collect the money that was to be used for temple purposes and to take care of the sacred vessels while making sure that no one entered that did not have the authority to do so.
In spiritual or 5th dimensional terms the Doorkeeper is sometimes referred to as the Gatekeeper, but while they are similar, I'm being guided that there is a difference in the role of the Doorkeeper and the Gatekeeper. The Doorkeeper in spiritual terms acts as a guide that guards the entrance to your energy field, or your sacred inner space, meaning they determine who and what are allowed to enter into your personal temple. The doorkeeper’s role is to ensure that only those who are ready to enter are allowed in.
You can call upon your Doorkeeper guide to ward off people who are not energetically good for you. In other words, your Doorkeeper Guide can help you to protect your energy field.
The Divine Mother or the divine feminine energy, "Mother of all Creation" is the Great Doorkeeper. Mother Mary is known as the "Doorkeeper of Heaven". As we can see the connections with it being through the energies of Isis/Sirius that we enter the University of Ascension. Isis being associated with the Star Sirius and Sirius being associated with ascension and Sirius being known as the Gateway to Heaven or Heaven itself.
You might be in service as a doorkeeper assisting others to close the door on the darkness by helping them to purify their energy fields and remove dark energies and negativity. This is a divine feminine purpose.
Become at one with the Doorkeeper to protect your energy by saying...
"I Am the Doorkeeper of my energy. I close the door to negative or dark energies that do not serve my higher purpose. I Am the Doorkeeper, protecting my sacred vessel and I allow in only the purest divine energies to permeate my Being. I Am the Doorkeeper".
The Gatekeeper

The Gatekeeper can be two things. The Gatekeeper might also be a guide who determines when you are ready to enter into higher dimensions. For instance, you may have activated your energies to a higher vibration, but you may also still be harbouring some negative energies in there. What happens when you hold a high vibration and still harbour negative or dark energies is that your power can become harmful rather than harmless. This is where the Gatekeeper comes in. The Gatekeeper will hold you back from entering any further and if you harbour these negative energies for too long, your light levels will be cut back to a degree that you are no longer harmful.
What is Harmfulness
When you have a high vibration, you have an expanded energy field. The higher you raise your vibration the more expanded you become, and your energy affects everyone within that expanded state. Say for instance, your energies are so expanded they are now reaching a circumference of your entire community, or state, or country and so on. Yes, this is possible and everyone within that sphere of your energy field are affected positively or negatively because of what is in your energy field. This means we must become very responsible with what we do and who we invite into our energy field. It also means that while you may be striving for higher vibrations and expanded states of awareness, you must be careful not to be seeking it for the purpose of "power", but rather for purity and harmlessness and to be of service to the Greater Good.

The Ancient Egyptian god Anubis is a Gatekeeper and Lord of the Underworld. In ancient Egyptian times, Anubis was invoked as the Guardian of the Veil. The Ancient Egyptians would pray to Anubis to guard the Spirits of the Dead and to guide Lost Souls with his Divine Power to find their way in afterlife. The Underworld can also be called the Land of Osiris the Heavenly Father and Anubis would not allow anyone to enter the Land of Osiris if they were not pure of heart.
If you want to enter into the Higher Realms, you must purify your energy, purify your soul and when you are pure enough, Anubis will allow you to go to the higher realms and higher dimensions, each gateway taking you closer to the Heavenly Land of Osiris.
The role of the Gatekeeper is the role of the Divine Masculine. If you wish to enter the Higher Realms call upon Anubis, but please note that Anubis is a very powerful energy and if he suspects that you are seeking power, he will not allow you to enter and he will send you back to a lower dimension to redo your initiations to prove that you are worthy of the higher dimensions you seek. This is the path of Ascension. You must become at One with the Gatekeeper and if you are not ready, your world will be turned upside down, that will be your initiation.....
If you feel you are ready, you can say
"I Am the Gatekeeper, I Am Christ Consciousness, a clear and perfect channel of Divine Light, this is my intention. I Am the Gatekeeper."
The Gatekeeper and the Doorkeeper
The Doorkeeper and the Gatekeeper must work together as you can see it is the mission of the Divine Feminine and the Divine Masculine, the Mother and Father of the All that Is. You must attend to your Sacred Vessel, the Temple within you, before you can enter the Gateway to the Heavens.

If you would like to take a dedicated leap towards your mission, the LUXOR Light Ascension Program is a Divine Pathway that enables you to heal through all levels of time and space and all dimensions and all lifetimes, but that not all it is. LUXOR Light Ascension is a system of raising your vibration in order to embody a higher frequency from Sirius.
Check it out or contact me.
Power Mantra

Now to the reason I wrote this blog.
I have an ability to receive power mantras from the Divine. These power mantras are names of God that hold Divine qualities of God. They hold specific powers that help to heal or open you to the quality it offers. They are not "spells" as such, but they are gifts from the ancient Egyptian god of magic, Thoth (Tehuti), and they certainly invoke a magic of healing and awakening within us.
The power mantras are sound specific, and the sound of the mantra is important in receiving the divine energy it opens in you. I often receive these mantras during light codes transmissions or when I am doing a healing on someone. Today was one of those days that I received a new mantra. I am writing a book on mantras and developing a series of cards but, I'm a bit slow at getting around to it. Not that I really believe in that, I do believe everything has it's divine timing. This I believe is the divine time to start offering the mantras one by one.
Today I release the first card along with a recorded sample of what the Mantra must sound like, and if you would like to be one of the first to receive the cards as they are being downloaded to me, you can purchase them from my Shop www.soulawakenings.etsy.com under the section titled "Power Mantra Cards.
The Power Mantra of The Gatekeeper and The Doorkeeper activates some of the qualities of the Divine Masculine and the Divine Feminine. To be a Gatekeeper does not mean you have to be a male and to be a Doorkeeper does not mean you have to be female. They are energetic and divine qualities that are part of the divine masculine and the divine feminine. The Power Mantra for the Gatekeeper and the Doorkeeper will certainly help you to align more with your own inner masculine and feminine as you raise in frequency on your journey to full inner union and union with your divine counterpart.
The Power Mantra could be considered magic because it certainly conjures up a power within. However, you will not access that power, unless you are well prepared, and your heart has been weighed against the feather. It is the same Power Mantra for both Gatekeeper and Doorkeeper, because together they are one. As you use the power mantra, the quality that is needed within you will be the one that is activated.
It's by no coincidence that I received the power mantra for the Gatekeeper on the first day of the opening to Lions Gate!
Please follow my blog and be the first to receive the power mantras as they come through.
Here is a direct link the Power Mantra Card. You can download the card instantly and print it out on card and make your own set of cards, don't you think that will be fun?
This is resonating so very much for me. Specifically the divine feminine purpose. Thank you!
Differentiating and acknowledging my doorkeeper and gatekeeper within feels very empowering.