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The Spiritual Power of Receiving and Self-Worth

Writer's picture: Christina RitchieChristina Ritchie
a cosmic lion
Receiving and Self-Worth through the Lions Gate

Embracing the Spiritual Side of Receiving and Self-Worth

On our journey through life, self-worth often becomes mixed up with our external achievements, or with societies expectations of us, or with material possessions, but true self-worth goes beyond the external influences and is based in the core of our spiritual self.

At its core, self-worth is about recognising and honouring the divine spark within each of us. It is the understanding that we are essentially valuable, not because of what we do or what we have, but simply because we exist. This intrinsic value reflects our connection to the divine, the universe, or whatever higher power we believe in.


Receiving the Lions Gate Light Codes of Self-Worth

On our final Lions Gate Light Codes transmission on 12 August, visions and messages were shown to me about what is happening for us at a collective level in relation to self-worth.

In the Alpha Chakra, which represents the divine masculine and is associated with our soul purpose, mission, and direction, a vision of someone with a cupped hand appeared. This symbolises openness and readiness to receive divine guidance and blessings related to our collective path. By acknowledging our divine nature, we begin to see ourselves as worthy of love, respect, and kindness. This recognition helps us to let go of self-judgment and embrace our true selves with compassion and grace.

In the Omega Chakra, which is the divine feminine chakra and connected to anchoring, integration, and bringing down the seeds from Alpha, I saw a powerful divine feminine figure. She appeared as a powerful queen, exuding immense power and transformative energy. Dressed in a deep indigo garment and seated on a throne, she represents wisdom, intuition, and spiritual depth, anchoring the divine feminine energies into our reality.

On a Spiritual level, self-worth is based in the concept of unconditional love. This means loving ourselves without conditions or judgments, accepting our flaws and imperfections as part of our human experience, and understanding that we are worthy of love just as we are.

As the divine masculine and feminine energies merged into the heart as one, a majestic lion appeared, all-encompassing, as the Creation Sound Codes of manifestation flowed through. The lion, a symbol of strength, courage, and leadership, signifies the harmonious balance and powerful union of these energies, indicating a transformative and creative potential within our collective taking place.   The Lion is often a symbol of the Christ and Jesus has often been referred to as the Lion of God.  The Lion is a powerful symbol for the Sirius gate portal that we all know so well as the Lions Gate.  With the Creation Codes coming through, this suggests we are being infused with the Light of the Christ, which is what happens during the Lions Gate portal.  The Lion showed himself to us, to give us the confirmation that these light codes are indeed activating that quality within us.

Being able to Receive

It's not always easy to receive. To receive we must have a balanced nature that is willing to receive, it takes a high degree of self-worth.  That takes being open to accepting love, kindness, and support from others, as well as recognising and receiving the abundance that the universe offers us; it's all interconnected. When we allow ourselves to receive, we affirm our worthiness and create a flow of positive energy in our lives. Receiving is a powerful acknowledgment of how well we value ourselves, it's a gift of self-love. 

Balanced Emotions filled with Joy

When we were working in the emotional body, I started smiling, it surprised me, I felt really pleased with something and then, I saw a vision of a stiletto decorated with bows and ribbons and it reminded me of Cinderella’s slipper.  This vision symbolises joy, which I clearly felt as the smile appeared on my face. It also symbolises beauty, and a playful aspect of our emotional selves when we have embodied the quality of self-love. It reminds us to embrace and celebrate our feminine qualities and the joy they bring.

In the spiritual realms, self-worth doesn’t need to be validated by anyone or anything but, instead encourages us to find validation within ourselves and from our connection to the divine. By letting go of the need for external approval, we free ourselves from the pressure to meet the expectations of others.  We are then able to focus on our own growth and healing. 

By embracing our self-worth, we begin to live authentically honouring our true self and by following our passion. By living authentically, we are able to align with our higher purpose and create the life we were born to live.

By activating these light codes of self-worth within us, we awaken this quality within us as divine beings. We embody the essence of unconditional love by connecting with our inner selves and fine tuning our ability to receive... I am ready, are you?


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LUXOR Light Ascension

West Bank Luxor,


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LUXOR Light is a Divine Energy birthed through ChristinA Ritchie 3.3.2004


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