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Writer's pictureChristina Ritchie

Visions of Light Codes Transmission - Healing and Transformation - Super Blue Moon -Releasing Karmic Contracts

two prayer wheels and a broken heart
Tibetan Prayer Wheels

It's full blue Super moon and our weekly light codes transmission. During this transmission, we stayed in the heart throughout the transmission once we left Omega. My first vision was in the Omega chakra, also known as the Earth Star, or the Divine Feminine chakra, suggesting what we are integrating right now, because the Omega chakra does that, she integrates what is being gifted to us from the divine masculine. I saw a double-ended Tibetan Prayer Wheel and as we unified the divine masculine and divine feminine into the heart chakra, I saw the double ended prayer wheel with a broken heart at the point where the two prayer wheels met. This is symbolising that prayer energy is being activated in order to heal the rifts between hearts and souls.

Tibetan Prayer Wheels are powerful spiritual tools, often with the prayer mantra “Om Mani Padme Hum" inside the prayer wheel. As you spin the prayer wheel, it activates the mantra and releases the energy.

  • Om: Represents the body, speech, and mind of all enlightened beings.

  • Mani: Means “jewel,” symbolizing the intention to attain enlightenment for the benefit of all beings.

  • Padme: Translates to “lotus,” symbolizing wisdom and the realization of the interconnectedness of all phenomena.

  • Hum: Represents indivisibility, emphasising the unity of wisdom and compassion.

As the wheel spins, it releases the spiritual energy of the mantra into the world, and in this instance, it is activating the energy for the purpose of healing the rifts between souls, broken and wounded hearts, karma, and completing contracts that no longer serve our goals of ascension.

The next vision that appeared for us was a divine feminine carrying a big baby in a sling. It was more child-sized than baby. This vision speaks to the stages of growth related to our purpose. The divine feminine is nurturing these missions, and some must be a little past their birthing stage, because of the size of the baby. That might mean it could be a little uncomfortable when it comes time to birth. Hold on, you can do it!

After this, I saw a dragonfly, suggesting transformation is in progress and following on from that earthly state of transformation, I saw a white cosmic dragon wearing a crown that looked like a prayer wheel container. These visions are connected and point to transformation from our earthly selves and into an enlightened, compassionate being.

The visions continued on from the dragonfly, sharing the messages relevant to us at this time. I saw a frame-shaped like an ornate capital A. Inside the frame was someone in a bed being drawn into the A-shaped entrance. The capital A symbolises ascension for me, so this vision is symbolising the healing we need to go through in order to complete or advance along our ascension journey.

Finally, I saw 17:17 on the clock. In numerology and spiritual symbolism:

  • 1 represents mother/mother goddess energy and is associated with the base chakra.

  • 7 represents father energy/God and is associated with the crown chakra.

The 17th dimension is about attaining the Holy Grail, Divine Grace and enlightenment. This is a gateway, a message of how far we have come and with the union of Divine Mother and Divine Father we are ready to create and become more than we have been, we are ready to come into purpose, mission and walk in union with the Beloved Divine Mother and Divine Father as one united. Mother, Father and you, the Child of Creation, the third energy of the Beloveds. We are ready to expand out into the world.

Through the journey of these visions, we are being given the message that we are collectively moving through phases of healing, growth, and transformation. They remind us of the interconnectedness of all beings and the continuous journey towards enlightenment and compassion. The messages help us to understand the meaning of the Light Language that comes through in the transmission. The Light Codes held within the sacred light language help us to activate this healing within us.

The Super Blue Moon

To add more power to this process, we are directly in the energy of the Blue Super Full Moon. That adds power to the transformations taking place. I like the symbolism of the dragonfly and the white cosmic dragon because it shows the as above so below concept. Transformation taking place on earth and also in the Heavens.

AI image of blue moon
Super Blue Moon

The Super Blue Moon doesn't happen often, so it's a rare opportunity for us for reflection, transformation, and growth.

A supermoon occurs when the full moon is at its closest point to Earth in its orbit, making it appear larger and brighter than usual. A blue moon, on the other hand, is traditionally the second full moon in a calendar month or, in some definitions, the third full moon in a season with four full moons. This August, we experience the latter, making it a SUPER special event bringing us a surge of electric, revolutionary energy. Because this moon is in the sign of Aquarius, it brings us innovative and forward-thinking qualities, so we can expect Awakenings and Quantum Leaps as this moon’s energy is perfect for breakthroughs and sudden insights. It’s a time to embrace new ideas and perspectives, pushing the boundaries of your comfort zone.

Supermoons are known to amplify emotions. Uh oh! You might find yourself feeling more passionate and driven or maybe a bit grumpy depending on where you are at in your healing cycle. It's time to make long-overdue changes as we let go of all karmic contracts that no longer serve us. Now that's got to be good! Let go of anything and everything that no longer serves you.

We are in very exciting times!


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