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Ascending to the 10th Dimension

Embark on a powerfully transformational journey to the 10th dimension, and achieve inner union.


This program will help you clear the baggage from this life and previous lifetimes, across all realities, dimensions, levels, and subtle bodies, elevating your consciousness to higher realms.

  • Balanced Chakras: Achieve fully developed masculine and feminine chakras, harmonising and balancing them with each other.

  • Inner Union: Reach the consciousness of the 10th dimension, the stage where inner union and the full merger of twin flames occurs, integrating missions and lifting each other from the lower realms.

  • You will awaken your kundalini and become a flame carrier as you embody the powerful multi-dimensional LUXOR Light Ascension frequencies that place you on your divine path and soul purpose!

  • Ascension Path: Accelerate your ascension to the 10th dimension and if you choose you can then continue with the next levels onward through the higher dimensions up to the 24th dimension, gaining a stronghold on your higher vibrations.


Activate your mission to help humanity ascend. This stage is where twin flames' begin ascending together, magnetising the energies of your twin flame and initiating their ascension.


Explore the teachings and activations to the 10th dimension and as a bonus gift you will receive the original LUXOR Light Ascension Level One for free.


Working with Kundalini and the White Flame of Purity, an Ascension Program divinely overseen through Ascended Master Serapis Bey.


For more information and guidelines on how best to use the program, please contact me at 


Ascend, harmonise, and unite in the 10th dimension.

10th Dimension Ascension Program



    LUXOR Light Ascension

    West Bank Luxor,


    Phone: Egypt +201228559686 and WhatsApp:  +61430026133

    ​© 2004 LUXOR Light Ascension.  All Rights Reserved.

    LUXOR Light is a Divine Energy birthed through ChristinA Ritchie 3.3.2004


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